Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Old Sturbridge Village, MA, May 2011

With Jonathan, Jill, Sammi, Jonny, Ed, Sally-Anne and Grammy - much fun was had.

This was a spontaneous jump as Jonny ran towards me, and must be the happiest picture I've ever seen....

Musket demonstration; note ecstatic kid on the right. Sweet.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Northfield Drive-In, MA/NH - June 2011

Amongst plenty of good times with family and friends during our three weeks in New England, we finally got to visit the Drive-In (my first time there, long overdue); and well worth the wait it was too. In the family since the sixties, we picked a beautiful, balmy and starry night, kicked back and enjoyed, between complimentary vegetarian hot dogs thanks to the lovely Mitchell and Carla.

Visit the Drive-In website here

(we dropped in at this diner on the way home, but despite customers and the impression of being open, no staff could be found.....)

Our American wedding

We finally arrived in the U.S in mid-May, and after spells in NYC and New Jersey, headed for Massachusetts a week or so later. Aside from catching up with family and friends at the family homestead and elsewhere, odd sessions relaxing, local birding (naturally) etc., it was all about preparing for our wedding celebration.

After actually doing the deed in deepest Olde Englande in March, it was important to stage the sequel over here - how could we not celebrate with our American clans? - and, thanks (again) to Ed and Sally-Anne's tireless efforts, it couldn't have been a more wonderful day.

more photos can be viewed here